Be Careful What You Ask For! Creating a Feedback Culture Takes Commitment
Our fast-changing world has heightened expectations for transparency, clarity and accountability at all levels of large organizations. In response, many C-level executives are looking to develop a feedback culture as a ‘quick win’ to improve performance. While in principle this is a good idea, feedback is more complex than it seems at first glance and, in most corporate cultures, giving and receiving feedback is far from the norm. Read More

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The Erosion of Trust. The Cost and the Cure.
Daily media coverage would have us believe that trust is increasingly scarce. The erosion of trust in society is seen most clearly in our attitudes towards politicians, institutions and governments, and towards the corporate world. Charities are seeing a drop in the number of people donating over three consecutive years and are reporting a commensurate drop in trust levels. Read More

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Turning 40 and Leading the Way
The business climate into which millennials entered the workforce has been beset by change, which includes a global financial crisis and technology-based disruptions across nearly every industry. Marked by change and uncertainty, this environment calls for a different way of working. It requires a more flexible, responsive and agile approach, so that better decisions can be made more quickly. It also requires a more congruent leadership approach. Read More

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Coaching Done Right! 8 Key Practices for Managers to effectively Coach Their Teams
Coaching in business is going mainstream. What used to be reserved for senior executives is increasingly available to the many, through an abundance of coaches and online platforms. Coaching is now seen as part of the manager's role, something that employees are coming to expect and that some C-Suite executives want to elevate to a common practice - "a coaching culture". Read More

Learn the 8 Key Practices for Managers to Coach Their Teams. Download your copy of "Coaching Done Right!"